Going For No with Andrea Waltz – Episode 86

Today’s guest is Andrea Waltz, the co-author of the book Go For No!, who said “Yes” to us when I asked her to grace us with her presence on the show. I read this book 5 or 6 years ago, and it changed the way I thought about selling my ideas. Instead of focusing on getting the “yes,” Go For No! teaches you (in an easy to understand fable form) how to go for the “no.”

The essence of the book is simple: Go out and intentionally increase your failure rate. Check out today’s episode to learn how something as simple as going for no can change your life… stick around till the end of the episode to find out how you can win a free copy of the book!

~ Phil

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Share Some Shut Up Love –> No is a gift. We need to unwrap it, say thank you, and find the goodness to get a “yes” next time. – Andrea Waltz @goforno #shutupshow (click to tweet)

Fun Facts:

  • Andrea co-founded Courage Crafters Inc. and co-authored Go For No! with her husband Richard Fenton who are professional speakers and trainers dedicated to helping individuals and organizations overcome self-imposed limitations and achieve breakthrough performance.
  • Received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice (Long Beach State
  • At the age of 8 she called George Lucas to see if she could work with him on future movies
  • Youngest General Manager in eyeglass retailer LensCrafters history
  • Launched her own training company at the age of just 24
  • Featured on ‘Idol Chat’ a TV Guide Channel show where she was interviewed on how even idol rejects can be successful failures

Defining Shut Up Moment:

Andrea recounted a time she was in a networking meeting. Across the room, she saw the VP of HR from J. C. Penney. This was the perfect customer for Andrea at the time she was working in retail. Andrea pushed through her fear and offered a copy of her book to the VP of HR, who then asked whether Andrea’s company offered distance-learning. Instead of saying “no,” Andrea and her co-author/husband Rich took on the challenge and said “yes” to offering distance-learning even though they had no idea what it meant. That opportunity propelled the business even further and, from that moment on, Andrea understood how important it was to go for the biggest no because it landed her a great client for many years.

Shut Up Tips:

People don’t change because they don’t think big enough to get to the real root of the issue. Go for no; the cat is out of the bag once you say that. Pick one thing and go deep. – Andrea

Get over the fear of rejection. Be seen as the expert in one thing. – Andrea

I’m a pathological people pleaser. Sometimes when you go for no, you face fear and think they might not like me. If we go for no and we push until we find out where they say no, often that’s far beyond where we expected it to be. – Andrea

You have to put yourself in a position to get where they might sometimes say no and that’s okay. You have to keep putting yourself out there. – Andrea

All that really happens is someone says yes or someone says no. They’re not rejecting you. They’re not telling you that you suck. Instead they’re simply saying no. Put yourself out there, don’t be afraid go for the no. Be open to the possibility of the yes. – Andrea

No is a gift. We need to unwrap that gift. Is it a no forever? Is it no for right now? What is the root of that no? If you view it as a gift, would you give it back to the customer? NO! Instead, accept it graciously. Say thank you and find the goodness and how to use that no to get a yes next time. – Andrea

I’m not real smart but even I can go for no. It’s simple: go for no means you keep asking until you get a no! – Phil

Getting a no actually can save you some time and some banging your head against the wall from hoping, wishing and praying for a yes. – Andrea

The exact same reason someone rejects you today is the exact same reason someone will hire you tomorrow. – Richard Fenton (via Andrea)

“No” was not about me. “No” was about the other person and someone else saying no actually frees me up to find someone else better to say yes. – Andrea

Andrea Recommends:

Phil can attest to the fact that this book has changed his life. Andrea has kindly offered to give away ONE FREE COPY of her book to help you solve your challenge and get unstuck.

Here’s how the contest works:

  1. Go to The SHUT UP Show Facebook page at Facebook.com/solopreneurspodcast
  2. Leave a comment answering this question: “Why do you want the GoForNo! book and how do you plan to use it to transform your life or business?”

*Contest is valid in the continental United States and you must post your comment in the Facebook Page. This contest is in no way sponsored or affiliated with Facebook.

Find Andrea:

Want to learn more from Andrea? Visit her web site at GoForNo.com

Check Andrea out on Facebook

Tweet with Andrea on Twitter at @GoForNo

Get the Go For No! book on Amazon