Never in the history of any Shut Up Show episode have Phil and I sat down to chat with a fellow coach/consultant/speaker until today. Aside from Catherine Morgan being Phil’s super smart accountability coach, she is a wonderful friend and amazing human being inside and out. In this episode, we talk in great length about why the three of us are not cat-scratching each other for clients, how collaboration is the new normal, and what entrepreneurs can do to get from point A to point B.
Share Some Shut Up Love –> Don’t be afraid to look stupid. Get over it. It’s just a part of being an entrepreneur. – @PointA_PointB #shutupshow (click to tweet)
Fun Facts:
- Catherine is Phil’s accountability coach and works with business consultants and people in career transition
- Catherine drove nearly two hours to support Berni’s effort in raising awareness and funds for Amy Clover’s 30×30 Project in Milwaukee
- Catherine works very closely with Carol Roth as the Editorial Director for | Business Unplugged
- Catherine gives talks on career transition, growing a solo service business, and productivity
Defining Shut Up Moment:
My fear moment was not leaving a cushy job. I saved up for 1.5 years. My fear moment was as I approached month 5 and 6 when I was not getting traction. Still to the day, this is the problem. So I continue to rework my business model. I’m in year three, I’ve done some great work and great things. But I’m still tweaking my business model. The picture I have is you have that screw, then you need that last quarter turn and all of the sudden the IKEA furniture clicks into place.
My defining shut up moment, I wrote a post on Carol Roth’s blog about that. My ideal clients were not at the places I was. They go to face-to-face meetings and I wanted to be in my pajamas. I was not where they were and they were not where I was posting stuff for them.
Shut Up Tips:
You cannot should not do it alone. You need to reach out, collaborate, inspire work with other people. – Catherine
We were raised to have fear of scarcity. If I don’t have money, it goes to you. It’s rich and poor. Fat and skinny. We were raised without that middle ground. – Catherine
You don’t have to take everything that comes your way. – Phil
It’s not a straight line. Naturally, the business shifts. – Phil
I need to be front and center because the more I do something, the more I am in demand. It’s like if you want to have a girlfriend, have three. You’re more attractive when you’re in demand. And when the perfect client comes along, you need to have room for them. – Phil
Don’t be afraid to look stupid. Get over it. It’s just a part of being an entrepreneur. You’re going to do things that don’t work. Lean Startup: fail fast, learn, regroup, retrench, relaunch. – Catherine
Shut up and be where our clients are. – Catherine & Phil
Catherine Recommends:
Catherine’s 5-minute talk at Ignite Chicago – Selling ‘We’ Is Easier Than Selling ‘Me’: Collaboration is the New Black
Catherine’s defining shut up moment post – Doing Everything Right… in the Wrong Place
Michael Port and the Red Velvet Rope Policy
Erie Ries – Lean Startup
Find Catherine:
Catherine is @PointA_PointB on Twitter
Catherine’s web site and blog is Point A to Point B Transitions