Today’s episode is one of my favorites because I spotlighted my good friend, Tyson Adams, all the way from Laos (my parents’ home country). If you’ve been following my journey for awhile, you know Tyson is the founder of Jhai Coffeehouse (the world’s first philanthropic coffee roaster at the source). He is also “the guy I lost to” after entering a contest run by misfits-in-chief AJ and Melissa Leon back in September 2012. But I won’t be hatin’.
I collaborated with Tyson in 2013 during a time I was heartbroken and depressed dealing with being alienated from my son. I didn’t know if I had anything left in me to keep showing up to do the work with my confidence wavering. It was because of Tyson’s bravery and resilience that I became even more inspired to step up and make a life-changing impact instead of staying stuck in my sob story.
Shortly after Tyson and I recorded this episode, AJ Leon asked me to interview Tyson on-stage at MisfitCon 2014 in Fargo, ND in front of 150 fellow misfits. It was the most revealing experience I’ve had in a very long time.
Though we were not permitted to LIVE stream the interview, I’ve included a photo of Tyson and me at the event. If you feel moved to change the world or make a positive difference in someone’s life, you’ve got to check out today’s episode.
[Tyson took us on a virtual tour of Jhai Coffeehouse from video track time 7:23 to 16:51]
Watch the show (uncensored & unedited)
Stop bringing in people & opinions that won’t facilitate the transformation you have burning deep inside of you. @adamstyson #shutupshow (click to tweet)
Don’t ask for permission.
- Stop bringing in people and opinions that aren’t going to facilitate the transformation you have burning deep inside of you.
- You’ll never know what you become until you serve or give up your life for a certain period of time.
The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it. – John Ruskin
Photo credit: Joyce Murray Sullivan