From Hazmat Specialist to Host of Love + Entrepreneurship with Megan Pangan

Today I chat with my new homie, Megan Pangan, former hazmat specialist turned entrepreneur and host of Love + Entrepreneurship. I was introduced to Megan by our mutual friend and nomadpreneur Carlton Taylor (thanks C-Tay!).

I asked Megan to be on the show after our chat on her podcast. Not only is she a new and scared shitless entrepreneur, she is one of the most vulnerable people I’ve ever talked to (watch out James Alutcher!). That’s why I know you’re going to love this episode with Megan.

We get raw. We get deep. And we even get a little crazy opening the show with robot dancing and closing it with Asian peace signs (sorry, that’s just how we do).

 Watch the show (uncensored & unedited) 

Listen to the podcast


Fear is a very valid emotion. You should feel it right down to your core. And then just keep going anyway. – @meganjphoto #shutupshow (click to tweet)


It was a process of letting go and having conversations and truly saying what we meant. But underneath it all we were afraid.
We had to get over ourselves again and again. I was afraid to say I don’t know, I’ll figure it out. When your partner doesn’T believe in you, that’s soul crushing.

What kept me going is coming on to podcasts and opening up. I love these conversations. There are more facets to the word success. This thing I’m doing doesn’t do that right away. There’s a lot of climbing you have to do at the beginning. I’m up for the climb. I had to ask him, “Are you wiling to support me while I’m climbing?” and to understand the why behind everything.

We were able to incorporate the things I’m doing now into the the business we have that is already established. So he can see the proof. It doesn’t have to be dollars. Online transparency and personal branding, that for him is the proof that makes it okay to do this work. I shared that these are my hope and dreams. These are my ambitions. I told him, “I’m really scared telling you this right now but this is it.” He was able to see my authenticity and he knows I’m not dicking around.


Blogging about being a couple in business just makes me a freakin’ better human being. – @meganjphoto #shutupshow

I don’t do it for the numbers. I have to do it. I have to talk about being a couple in business because otherwise I wouldn’t become who I want to be in my partnership. – @meganjphoto #shutupshow

When your partner doesn’t believe in you, that’s soul crushing. – @meganjphoto #shutupshow

Being in a relationship, you learn the most about yourself. It’s the place where you can develop yourself. You’re pushed to maintain your individuality when you’re with someone else. – @meganjphoto #shutupshow

If I can become a better person faster, dope. – @meganjphoto #shutupshow

The more that I became myself in this space of entrepreneurship and meeting people–when I made that realization–I blew away my expectations. – @meganjphoto #shutupshow


You can find Megan’s videos about being a couple in business and more information about her YouTube Channel MegTV at

Coming later this year at is a LIVE event for couples in business!