Breaking Out of Shawshank with Kary Oberbrunner

It’s not often I get to say I talked to someone who has sat inside Shawkshank Prison. This conversation was deeply moving. So moving I was nearly in tears. We talked about handling depression and finding the courage to break out of your prison–whether that is a job, relationship or health. What you didn’t hear, which was equally amazing was the conversation Kary and I had after I stopped recording. I found out we were both originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and had never crossed paths till now–it took a guy from Israel (thanks Meron!) to connect us to each other. Go figure =)

This episode couldn’t have been more timely and relevant…if you feel alone and misunderstood, this one is especially for you.

 Watch the show (uncensored & unedited) 

Listen to the podcast


When you numb your pain, you numb your potential. – @karyoberbrunner via #shutupshow #DJtoDJ (click to tweet)


To be a soul on fire you need to know three things:

  1. Identity (Who am I?)
  2. Purpose (Why am I here?)
  3. Context (Where should I invest my life?)


Do I want to die a thousand deaths slowly over time? Or do I really want to take a risk and break out of Shawshank? – @karyoberbrunner 

When I’m alive and creative, I call it being connected to your creator, core and community–when I’m in alignment, amazing things happen. – @karyoberbrunner 

Literally, day jobs are killing people. When we feel stuck and we’re not able to progress, something in us dies. You begin numbing your pain. – @karyoberbrunner 

Pain is inevitable, misery is a choice. – @karyoberbrunner 

If you don’t show up in your life, there’s something wrong. – @karyoberbrunner 

Life’s too easy, video games are hard. – @karyoberbrunner 

Many people who reach success play life so they don’t lose, instead of playing life to win. – @karyoberbrunner 


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