Getting Up and Out of Your Way with Laura Aiisha Haykel

It’s rare to find other young mommy misfitesque entrepreneurs like me who’ve shared a similar turbulent past…from high school drop out to doing amazing work in the world that uplifts, inspires and empowers other women today. My spiritual doppelganger Laura Aiisha Haykel joins me on today’s episode to talk about her journey from leaving home at 16 years old to becoming a soulful coach, speaker, singer and performer. This conversation will get you up and out of your own way.

 Watch the show (uncensored & unedited) 

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We hold the power to really truly create our greatest lives based on what we’re choosing moment to moment. @lauraaiisha #shutupshow (click to tweet)


I just kept showing up and I just kept showing up. – @lauraaiisha

I have wanted to give up so many times, throw in the towel and say fuck it all. What I choose to acknowledge is I have a purpose just like everyone else. – @lauraaiisha

I’m lucky to be alive so there must be a big purpose for me in this world. – @lauraaiisha

Trust the inner knowing as opposed to trusting the illusions I’m experiencing out in the world. – @lauraaiisha

Anyone can create a mantra and put a melody to it. Start to tell yourself a new story. And be the witness to your life and thoughts and words you use. – @lauraaiisha

I’m here to live as fully as I possibly can until I transition over to the next phase. – @lauraaiisha

Recognize the gift that you be in the world. No matter how many other amazing people you see out there, you are a gift. Everyone is a gift to this world and we all play a purpose and a role. Let’s keep playing that powerfully. – @lauraaiisha


Check out Laura’s first music video at

Download Laura’s music for free at

Get Laura’s debut EP “I Am” at