My dear friend and one of the most fascinating people on the earth joins us for today’s episode. Holly Duckworth, CEO of Leadership Solutions International, and I have a candid conversation about how she took her career from banking to baseball and ultimately to heart-centered leadership. Was there fear? Heck yeah. She even takes us through her fear moments as she currently writes her upcoming book CTRL ALT Believe.
Share Some Shut Up Love –> Beliefs are the gateway to your heart space. – @hduckworth on @_TheShUTUPShow #shutupshow (click to tweet)
Fun Facts:
- Holly is the author of the CTRL ALT Believe, due out in spring of 2014.
- Holly is the CEO of Leadership Solutions International where she teaches heart/spirit centered leadership.
- Holly is an international speaker and member of National Speakers Association (NSA).
- She currently lives in Denver, CO.
Defining Shut Up Moment:
Holly is originally from a small town in Oregon called Wilsonville where her dad was a machinist at Freightliner for 34 years and her mom stayed home full-time. Holly started as a meteorology major in college and ultimately graduated with a degree in business management from Linfield College as a first generation college graduate, which was a huge milestone in her family. She went from banking to baseball, working for 5 years at Bank of America at then quitting and moving to the Salem Keizer Volcanoes. In 2010, Holly pulled off a triple play. She quit her job, divorced her husband and started her own company.
Shut Up Tips:
I practice life on the edge of fear. Find your comfort zone and go one step–to 100 miles–outside of that. That’s where I like to live my life and do my business. – Holly
Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. – Holly’s Dad (who did the exact opposite his whole life)
My whole life has been “Oh crap! My life doesn’t look the way I thought it would!” – Holly
I put it out to the universe that I would move to a city with a hub airport. I thought it would be Seattle. It turned out to be Denver. – Holly
It’s easier to have a child than it is to write your first book. – Holly
Beliefs are the gateway to your heart space. – Holly
The world is starving for heart-centered, deeper meaning conversations. This is what drives business. – Holly
The more we can plug into our source (love), the more successful you can build your business. – Holly
Ask yourself, “how do you best love, honor, encourage and support me?” – Holly
Holly Recommends:
3 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself from Holly:
- Who am I?
- What do I believe?
- What do I want?
Ideas behind CTRL ALT Believe book that you can think on:
- CTRL (Control): What is controlling you? What are the rules about our beliefs?
- ALT: Innovation for many organizations is TOO BIG. Instead, think about alternate solutions. Run your organizations in beta mode. If it’s good enough for Microsoft, why not your organization?
- Believe: What are your deeper beliefs? Take time to see it, to cast the vision, and to create your higher beliefs. (Our former guest Jessica Pettitt helped Holly refine the last point.)
Find Holly:
Holly’s web site is
Tweet with Holly at @hduckworth
Holly’s 2014 Becoming YOU Coaching Program (click here for more info)