Rebuilding Your Self-Confidence with Krav Maga’s Jane Dawson – Episode 101

Business or not, every single person has fear of “Am I good enough and am I strong enough to get up from this?” That’s why I invited Jane Dawson on the show to talk to us about how she broke out of her emotional jail of fear and learned how to rebuild her self-confidence and life through realistic fighting and real-world self-defense.

Watch the show (uncensored & unedited)

Share Some SHUT UP Love:

You don’t need previous experience. What you do need is to come through the door. – Jane Dawson @kravmilwaukee #shutupshow (click to tweet)

Fun Facts:

  • Jane Dawson has been the Outreach Coordinator for Krav Maga Milwaukee since 2009 and General Manager since 2011.
  • Jane shares her passion in self-defense with women and teen girls, rebuilding them from violent encounters as she experienced firsthand in her own life.
  • In addition to Krav Maga, Jane is also trained in Kapap (another Israeli combat system), Thai Boxing, Close Quarter Combat, and other Reality Base Training.
  • Jane is certified in Safe Kids program of self-defense, working with inner city teens girls.
  • She has been featured in M-Magazine and in local TV on FOX, NBC, and CBS. 

Defining SHUT UP Moment:

I faced death. I had someone look me in the eye and say they were going to kill me. I absolutely remember like it was just yesterday. I told myself that if I survive this, I promise I will help the only way I can help people. Sometimes something so traumatic in life can you bring you to find your passion. I lived in fear for a long time but when I found Krav Maga Milwaukee, that’s when I got through the fear and found my passion.

Walking through the door to this place for the first time in 2008, I was telling myself “No more. I’m sick of fear running my life”. This place helped me find my confidence and brought me to creating the Rebuild Program for women and young teen girls. And, now I get to change lives.

SHUT UP  Tips:

Whats the worst thing that can happen? Is it going to kill you? It’s not going to kill me to run this place. Its not going to kill you to come through the door. – Jane Dawson

You never want to go to the fight. It’s not worth it. Be prepared to deescalate and stay away from it. – Jane Dawson

A lot of the times women don’t want to hurt people. If you have to fight, dig deep and start fighting. Be vicious. – Jane Dawson

You don’t stop fighting until you’re dead. – Jane Dawson

Keeping this business going keeps me up at night. Every business owner thinks of that but this one has changed the lives of so many people. It would just be a shame if anything ever happens. – Jane Dawson

Jane Recommends:

Jane’s specialty is working with women and teens of violent encounters and running the “Rebuild” Program at Krav Maga Milwaukee. She also brings self-defense and empowerment workshops to women’s groups, colleges, and schools.

Jane also holds monthly workshops at Krav Maga Milwaukee for women and teen girls. The 2-hour workshops ($25.00 for 2 hours) focus heavily on awareness/avoidance, verbal strategies and physical strategies to help teens and women get home safe.

If you’re not from the Milwaukee, Wisconsin region, google “Krav Maga” to find a location near you and try out a free class. It will change your life.

Find Jane:

Jane is General Manager of Krav Maga Milwaukee

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Photo credit: Dan Bishop