Matthew Kimberley Helps Us Get a Grip & More Clients – Episode 22

Back in 2011, I downloaded a free report from some marketing coaching guy man whose writing made my brain hurt and face blush at the same time. In a “Wow that’s some good shit” kind of way, of course. After two years of following his work and incorporating his success secrets for making meaningful connections, I thought I’d pull a Matthew Kimberley by asking the man himself to join Phil and me here on The Shut Up Show. As you can see, his stuff works.

If you’re struggling to get more clients, you definitely want to check out this episode as our sexy friend Matthew Kimberley indulges us with some juicy shut up tips and real tactical advice you can begin using immediately to up your relationship-building game.


Watch the show (uncensored & unedited)
Listen to the show (coming soon)

Share Some Shut Up Love –>  I always ask myself “What’s the worst that can happen and can I live with it?” @mjkimberley #shutupshow (click to tweet)

Fun Facts:

    • Matthew is a terrible cook, but an adequate lover… apparently so because he and his wife just introduced their second baby boy into the world in August 2013 – Congratulate him!
    • Matthew works closely with Michael Port as the Head of the Book Yourself Solid School of Coach Training
    • Matthew is the author of How To Get A Grip
    • Matthew lives on a beautiful, tiny Mediterranean island called Malta

Defining Shut Up Moment:

I went back to Brussels to sell staffing services in the corporate environment, which is different than what I was used to in my previous direct sales experience. 9 to 5 became 8 to 8. So I got an investor and set up my own staffing company. It went well.

However, the more it got successful, the more physically sick I got. Something wasn’t right. I was the boss and I was hitting snooze on the alarm clock every morning. It wasn’t me. I had no idea what I was really talking about and I had this terrible feeling I was going to get found out. I had invested everything… my entire brand was about recruitment. After my son was born, I used that as an excuse to do what I should have done before he was born.

I parted ways with my business partner and the company was handed over to people who ran it properly. I ended up doing the work I was meant to do. In fact, today my wife asked me “Do you enjoy your job?” I have to pinch myself on a daily basis that people would actually allow me to make a living to do this kind of work.

Shut Up Tips:

I’m just gonna try. I’m gonna stick up my shingle. If it doesn’t work out, what could happen? I could get a job in a bank, get a job pumping gas, work behind a bar–which is work I love to do–so that kinda eliminates the fear. If you know you’re employable, even if it’s cash on a casual basis, then it should eliminate any fear about paying rent or mortgage as long as you live within your means. – Matthew

Keep your friends very close because if you do the dishes and you mean it when you say thank you then you’ll never be stuck with finding somewhere to lay your head for the night. – Matthew

A lot of entrepreneurs and small business owners struggle because they get all this advice but it’s so massive they think they can’t possibly do it all. – Phil

Burn the bridges, keep your safety net. – Matthew

Matthew Recommends:

1. – The App That Builds your Network and Gets You Booked Solid

2. On a piece of paper, in Word, or in Excel, create a list of people who are good for your business or life (90 people is a good number).

  • CONNECT with the top 3 people on the list each day of the month.
  • SHARE your intangibles (network, knowledge, or compassion).
  • MOVE those 3 people to the bottom of the list after you’ve engaged and shared.
  • FOLLOW the same process every day for the whole month.

3. To get the free report that changed Berni’s life, go here: “5 Things You Need To Do Every Morning To Get More Clients In 60 Days”

Find Matthew:

Check out Matthew’s website and subscribe to the newsletter

Get Matthew’s book: How to Get a Grip (or “War Finally The Ass High” in the German-translated version)

Email Matthew: matthew AT matthewkimberley DOT com (he actually answers you personally!)