Living a Divinely-Inspired Kick-Ass Life with Stephanie St.Claire – Episode 104

If you’ve ever hit rock bottom… if you’ve ever doubted yourself… today’s episode with Stephanie St.Claire will remind you that you’ve got everything you need to go out into the world and make things happen. I couldn’t wait to get Stephanie on our show because she is one-part inspiring and one-part butt-kicking. Check out today’s episode and prepare to be bliss bombed!

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Those moments where you have nothing to lose is when you have everything to gain. – @blissbombed on #shutupshow (click to tweet)

Fun Facts:

  • Stephanie is a guidance counselor and law of attraction expert.
  • Stephanie teaches ordinary people how to create 7 miracles for themselves every month using a simple daily practice that works.
  • Stephanie writes on her blog which is an amalgam of posts, letters of advice, and daily updates as she travels between New York and Orange County, runs her business, raises my kids, embarks upon the quest for love, explores spiritual physics, and enjoys the peopleshe meets along the way.
  • Stephanie also produces a video series of these topics on her YouTube channel.

Defining SHUT UP Moment:

What brought me to do the work I do today started with utter disaster five years ago. I was engaged to my high school sweetheart. It was both of our second marriages. Then our engagement ended the night before our wedding day. I worked at his company so that ended too. I had no family to fall back on. It was one of those moments where you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I didn’t have a degree and I was 40 so I was worried I wouldn’t qualify for jobs. I couldn’t even get hired to wait tables or anything. So I put my resume out to every job on Craigslist. Three days later got an interview in New York. I ended up getting a job at a high end real estate firm. That’s when my reinvention began. I had 20 dollars in my pocket and two suitcases. I got on the plane. Sad and scared as I was, I knew I was my own golden ticket. From there I worked at a PR firm. I still didn’t make enough money so I waited tables. I ended up going back to school while holding down two jobs. And that became the genesis of what I’m doing now.


Sometimes those rock bottom moments can hinder you. But sometimes they can be your greatest gift to take a chance on the thing you’ve been wanting to do but were scared to until now. – Berni Xiong

I had a principle of optimism. That was natural. It was part of my fabric. – Stephanie St.Claire

After I stopped believing these lies I told myself, then age didn’t matter and education didn’t matter. I had a total heart for people. I loved educating myself. I have a real source for people. – Stephanie St.Claire

I knew I could make it happen if I wanted to each day. I wasn’t starting a career. I was starting life work. – Stephanie St.Claire

There were many months I wasn’t getting paid yet but I kept getting up and working as if I had a million bucks in the bank. – Stephanie St.Claire

It’s a privilege to get up every single day and create art. – Stephanie St.Claire

There’s this bridge that you cross built on your own desire to succeed. Every single one of us has to cross it. There are no shortcuts. – Stephanie St.Claire

To live like I have a million bucks in the bank means all parts of my life are working and I’m able to contribute. – Stephanie St.Claire

The day is coming. Your bluebird is going to land in a way you can’t predict. So don’t stress out and try to figure out how. Wake up and do the next thing from inspiration only. That’s what broke things open for me. – Stephanie St.Claire

Be in the state of trust knowing you’re always going to be taken care of. Then you can go do your thing in a way that makes your eyes shine and heart smile. – Stephanie St.Claire

Every day you have to sit down in the cold, quiet solitude and just get it done. – Stephanie St.Claire

Stephanie Recommends:

Check out Stephanie’s 7 Miracles Workshop

Find Stephanie:

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