Pam Slim is the author of the new book Body of Work, and is one of the most inspiring people I know. I met Pam in 2006 when she tried to leave a comment to…

Today’s guest is fresh in the entrepreneurial scene having just lost his job 7 months ago. However, he is not new to the world of content creation. In just seven months, Dave Conrey has launched…

Our guest today reached out to our show after reading my life coach blog post that went viral the other month, which she stumbled upon through our dear friend Srini Rao of BlogcastFM. Vasavi pitched…

If you’re Srini of BlogcastFM, we owe ya 5 bucks (how ’bout a hard beverage next time we see you?) for helping us book this guest in record time. For everyone else, this episode packs…

If you missed our pilot episode, no worries. In today’s episode featuring Srini Rao, I go into a little detail about why Phil and I launched The Shut Up Show. If you haven’t yet heard of Srini, he is…