In this episode of Shin Kicking Mondays, I talk about letting go and creating space for success to enter your life. Thank you Julie Sheranosher for writing in your question: “I think that what I struggle…
Jia Jiang stole the stage recently at World Domination Summit when he got up in front of 3000 entrepreneurs to talk about how his failed startup took him from a downward spiral of depression to…
In today’s episode, we discuss why most of us wait until December to regain our focus. More importantly, we reinforce a message we’ve both learned right here on our show more than once that coincides…
Backstage Special: First 25 Recap Show – Episode 29
- Tagged as: aj leon, backstage episode, berni xiong, blogcastfm, bob burg, bryson andres, catherine morgan, choosing yourself, chris brogan, craig price, dat phan, greg hartle, james altucher, jia jiang, john haydon, matthew kimberley, nametagscott, paul jarvis, phil gerbyshak, point a to point b, pursuit of everything, scott ginsberg, skooloflife, solopreneur's podcast, srini rao, steve farber, steve farber sobcon, strong inside out, susan baroncini-moe, ten dollars and a laptop, the shut up show, theshutupshow, wisconsin coaches podcast, youtube sensation bryson
What do you get when you cross a Polish who can do math with an Asian who is allergic to alcohol? You’ll find out soon enough when you watch a very, special backstage episode Phil and…
Jia Jiang stole the stage recently at World Domination Summit when he got up in front of 3000 entrepreneurs to talk about how his failed startup took him from a downward spiral of depression to…