This episode is brought to you by our amazing partner for almost a year now,, who has backed us up making selling online easy, sexy and fun even if you don’t have a web…
I know what you may be thinking, “How the heck can I find a silver lining story when I didn’t win over the guy/gal I wanted to be with?” Sometimes it’s hard to imagine what the story…
In this pilot episode of Shin Kicking Mondays, I talk about how being molested as a 5-year-old led me into cycles of depression and codependent relationships with men. And how my very first session with a…
Today’s first backstage episode of the year is brought to you by our amazing sponsor, Selz. Thanks to Selz, we are able to join you up to three times a week doing what we all…
Can you believe it?! The SHUT UP Show is now 75 episodes old! This backstage episode is a lot longer than our usual show length because we wanted to pack it with a big punch….